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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The AAP is making progress towards supporting breastfeeding efforts.

AAP passes resolution to limit formula marketing

July 26, 2012
Elk Grove Village, IL– The American Academy of Pediatrics has passed a resolution advising pediatricians “not to provide formula company gift bags, coupons, and industry-authored handouts to the parents of newborns and infants in office and clinic settings.” The resolution, passed last month, was unveiled on the AAP’s breastfeeding website today.
The AAP asserts the breastfeeding is the normal physiologic way to feed newborn infants. It draws on parallels with conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry (which controls most of the infant formula market in the US, too). They note that the practice constitutes marketing, and that research shows that it adversely affects breastfeeding duration and exclusivity.

The AAP resolution joins the growing voices against marketing of infant formula in medical environments, citing support from the Government Accountability Office, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Public Health Association, and previous statements from AAP.

Recently, all 49 Massachusetts maternity facilities banned of formula marketing discharge bags. The AAP resolution gives strength to such practice as an important public health measure.
AAP logo

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ban those "Free Diaper Bags"?

 Those free diaper bags handed out to new the mothers prior to their discharge home; what could be wrong with that? Studies have shown that new moms who received diaper bags, which are provided by the formula companies, will have a decreased percentage of breastfeeding success. The diaper bags contain a free sample of infant formula; aka artificial baby milk. Many new mothers, especially first time moms, doubt their body's ability to provide enough breastmilk. So many new moms will offer formula early on to supplement their own breastmilk. As soon as that happens; it undermines the new mom's ability to then produce breastmilk, and it affects how baby then behaves at the breast. Providing new mothers with free formula companies' diaper bags is great advertising for the formula company; but not good for the breastfeeding mother/baby dyad.
Report: Massachusetts birth hospitals ditch free infant formula gift bags
(Credit: Shutterstock)

(CBS/AP) Massachusetts maternity hospitals will no longer offer infant formula gift bags to new moms, according to a new report.
Breast-Feeding State by State: Who's #1?
Sesame Street should show breastfeeding, group petitions

Public health officials tell The Boston Globe all 49 birth facilities in the state had voluntarily eliminated the giveaways by the beginning of July. The announcement is a milestone for breast-feeding advocates.

Studies have shown that breast-feeding mothers who receive free formula are less likely to be breast feeding by the time their infant was 1 month old.

Massachusetts first tried to end the free formula practice with a statewide ban in 2005. The decision was overturned several months later when Gov. Mitt Romney replaced some members of the council that approved the ban.
"Clinical studies and many years of consumer use have shown infant formula to be a safe alternative which supports normal growth and development in infants," the industry's trade group, the International Formula Council, said in an emailed statement. "At the end of the day, the real objective for any campaign intended to increase breastfeeding rates should be to provide sound advice and support to new mothers."

In November of 2011, Rhode Island became the first state to eliminate free infant formula samples at hospitals, removing them from its seven maternity hospitals.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers exclusively breast-feed for the first six months to provide babies with protection against many illnesses and allergies.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says babies who are fed formula and stop breast-feeding early may be more likely to develop diabetes, respiratory and ear infections, and tend to require more doctor visits, prescriptions or hospitalizations. Children who aren't breast-fed are also more likely to be obese and are at a higher risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Also, mothers who breast-feed have a lower risk for breast and ovarian cancers, the CDC said.

Last year, a CDC report card on breast-feeding found less than 5 percent of U.S. babies are born in hospitals that fully support breast-feeding, and 1 in 4 infants receive formula within hours of birth. The CDC hoped to eliminate the free formula practices at many hospitals.

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first six months of a baby's life, with continued breast-feeding along with healthy foods through age 2 and beyond.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Natural vs. Organic

Natural versus Organic Dairy

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  1. This really puts it into perspective. I don’t drink milk but some in my household do and I have often wondered what the difference is. Not knowing I chose the cheaper price but after reading this never again will i make that mistake. I also hate what the non organic farmers do to the poor cows and if I continue to purchase their products I am basically supporting their actions. You sold me, I’m going Organic.
    Comment by
  1. Kim on July 11, 2012 at 11:38 am
  2. I have to say that there is an additive permitted in organic milk that is far from “natural.” Our local grocery store only had “organic” milk that had this DHA supplement added. That is allegedly why there was some odd seaweed-derived additive. (Not as a coagulant?) I tried to make cheese, and found that it would barely curdle. Eventually there was a soft curd that was frothy and fishy-tasting, and the whey smelled foul. I wonder how come this so-called natural additive can be allowed in “organic” milk.
    Comment by Laura @ Stealthy Mom on July 11, 2012 at 1:09 pm

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tummy Troubles, Colic, and Mama's Diet

Tummy Troubles, Colic, and Mama’s Diet

This question comes from a ScienceofMom reader, who wrote me to ask:
I’m looking for good quality information on whether mom’s diet can really cause tummy trouble in babies, outside of perhaps a milk protein allergy. I’ve seen arguments that it does, but they seem largely anecdotal. Yet my pediatrician has never mentioned the possibility that my diet might be causing my 3-month-old infant to have gas bouts at 4 a.m. or so every. single. night. Instead I’m routinely told that I just need to wait and by 4 months her digestive system will grow up. –KT
Most of us have heard and read that we don’t need to give up any of our favorite foods in order to breastfeed our babies. In general, this is true, and it is an important message. Between sore nipples and engorged breasts during those first few weeks of motherhood, moms need to know that breastfeeding will eventually (usually) be an easy fit to their lifestyle.
There has even been some recent research showing that maternal diet restriction during lactation may increase baby’s chances of developing allergies. If your baby is NOT showing any signs of tummy troubles, your best bet is to eat a balanced variety of whole foods. Think of it as gently introducing your baby to the proteins of the world via your milk.
However, there have been several studies of the effect of mom’s diet on colic symptoms. Approximately 1 in 5 U.S. infants between 0 and 4 months are considered to have colic. The “Rule of Threes” is used to define colic: A colicky baby has incessant, inconsolable crying for at least 3 hours per day on at least 3 days per week, for more than 3 weeks. Crying is usually the worst in the evening hours. {It isn’t clear from K.T.’s note if her baby actually has colic or just gas – they’re not always the same. I’ve focused this post on colic, because that’s where the research is, but I’m willing to speculate that what works for colicky babies may also help babies with milder types of GI discomfort.}
The truth is that we really don’t know what causes colic. It is probably multi-factorial and has different causes in different babies. (For an interesting account of the history of our understanding of colic and how to manage it, check out this article, The Colic Conundrum, from The New Yorker.) However, there are several lines of evidence that colic is related to intestinal immaturity or imbalance. Colicky babies often seem to be gassy and to have GI discomfort, pulling their legs up to their bellies while crying as if in pain. Research has also shown that colicky babies have intestinal inflammation and abnormal gut motility [1]. In addition, we know that proteins from mom’s diet can pass into breast milk, and some babies seem to be allergic or intolerant of these proteins. That’s where the role of mom’s diet comes in.
Cow’s milk appears to be the most common culprit when it comes to food allergies in infants. It has been estimated to occur in about 0.5-1.0% of exclusively breastfed infants [2]. Studies on the relationship between cow’s milk allergy and colic are mixed, however. In one study, 66 mothers of exclusively breastfed colicky infants eliminated cow’s milk from their diets, and “colic disappearance” was noted in more than half of the infants [3]. When the moms later drank cow’s milk again as a test, colic symptoms returned in 2 out of 3 of the babies. Based on this study, cow’s milk allergy or intolerance would seem to be an important cause of colic.
Other studies of cow’s milk elimination were less successful [4]. A recent study of Saudi babies tested 114 colicky babies for cow’s milk allergy with a skin prick test [5]. Only three of these babies tested positive, and when cow’s milk was removed from the mother’s diet, their colic symptoms disappeared. However, of the remaining 111 babies, eliminating cow’s milk from mom’s diet did not reduce their time spent crying.
So depending on which study you look at, cow’s milk allergy seems to be either very common or rather rare in colicky babies. Hmmm. A tricky thing about these studies is that they rely on mothers being thorough about removing every source of cow’s milk protein from their diet, as it can be hidden in lots of processed foods. This may explain the variable results found between studies. Unless moms live in a research center and eat only controlled meals, it is very difficult to conduct these diet studies that rely on mothers choosing foods within the guidelines and reporting their eating habits accurately. (As I write this, I’m having a flash of horror at the thought of what it would look like to bring 100 colicky infants and their mothers to live in a research center for a week or so. Yikes!) And despite the mixed results from these studies, cow’s milk allergy does seem to cause colic symptoms in some babies.
What about other foods? In 1996, Lust and colleagues reported the results of a survey of maternal diet and colic symptoms in 272 exclusively breastfed infants in the U.S. [6]. Mothers were asked to recall their babies’ behavior and their own dietary habits over the past week. Babies were considered to have colic if they showed abdominal cramping (drawing up of legs, appearing to be in pain), irritability, and intense crying. As a group, mothers with colicky babies had greater intake of the following foods: cow’s milk, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onion, and chocolate. If you’re curious, the foods NOT associated with colic symptoms were garlic, green peppers, orange juice, brussel sprouts, dried beans, eggs, carrots, beef, and beer. If you have a colicky baby, choose carrot cake and beer rather than chocolate chip cookies and milk.
A 2005 randomized controlled trial of 47 Australian mothers and their colicky babies tested a low-allergen elimination diet [7]. Moms in the low allergen group cut out dairy, soy, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and fish. The control moms were instructed to eat all of these foods and were specifically provided with a serving of peanuts, chocolate, and a cow+soy milk drink every day. After 7 days on the low allergen diet, babies cried about 90 minutes per day less than the control babies. 74% of the low-allergen babies showed significant improvement in colic symptoms compared to only 37% of controls (P<0.001). In other words, eliminating common allergens from mom’s diet appeared to really help a significant fraction of colicky babies.
This is slightly off topic, but one of the most interesting things I ran into as I researched this question was about probiotics as a treatment for colic. A 2007 study found that colic improved in a dramatic 95% of babies given Lactobacillus reuteri once per day for 1 month [8]. By the end of the month, these babies were crying for only 51 minutes per day! (Not bad for any baby, I’d say.) Another group of babies was given a drug called simethicone (used to treat gas, though has been shown to ineffective). Only 7% of the simethicone babies improved over the month, and they cried 145 minutes per day. All of the moms in this study also avoided dairy, so the benefits of probiotics were above and beyond those from eliminating dairy.
Lactobacillus reuteri are normal endogenous bacteria found in the GI tract and used as probiotics for many years in adults. The benefits of probiotics in infants are thought to come from the formation of a protective barrier against harmful bacteria (“outcompeting” them with good ones) and perhaps by stimulating the maturation of the immune system. Pediatricians may be reluctant to jump on the probiotic bandwagon just yet, but a previous study found no adverse effects of daily dosing of L. reuteri starting at birth and continuing for 12 months [9]. Therefore, it appears to be safe and is certainly worth discussing with your pediatrician.
Colic is serious. Mothers of colicky babies have 10-fold odds of suffering from depression [10]. When babies cry for hours on end, parents become frustrated, exhausted, and may start to wonder what they are doing wrong. It helps to know that the crying won’t last forever (most babies improve when they are 3-4 months old) and that there is often nothing that can be done. However, I think that anything that may help baby – and parents – feel better is worth a shot. If your baby has colic, the research shows that trying an elimination diet and giving baby probiotics may help. Neither are likely to be a quick fix for all babies, but both are worth trying.
From a practical standpoint, eliminating all potential allergens from your diet sounds daunting to me, particularly when I think about how ravenously hungry I was during the first few months of my baby’s life. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and whole cow’s milk were standbys for me. Because cow’s milk is the most common infant allergy, it makes sense to try that for a week or so first before you throw the baby out with the bath water and go on a complete elimination diet. If you are considering an elimination diet, here are a couple of resources you may find useful:
The American Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s clinical protocol for infant allergies offers a plan for an elimination diet [PDF].
So, what CAN I eat?” is a blog post written by Diana Cassar-Uhl, IBCLC packed with practical advice and links to delicious recipes for breastfeeding moms on elimination diets.
Did you change your diet while breastfeeding? Did this seem to impact your infant?