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Friday, May 11, 2012

Time magazine's breastfeeding cover

I am a Lactation Consultant and breastfeeding advocate; so I am supportive of almost anything that promotes breastfeeding. The TIME magazine cover was the brainchild of their advertising dept., meant soley to increase their mag...azine's sales...at any cost. The breastfeeding mother should be supported by her family, friends and our society. TIME magazine has exploited this issue, and caused more harm by polarizing people on the issue of breastfeeding. The US's breastfeeding rates are lower than most other countries. Breastfeeding is recommended by the AAP, CDC, and WHO. Breastfeeding is not just a lifestyle choice, but because of the short and long term health benefits to both mother and child; it becomes a national health issue. www.babyfirstlactation.comSee More

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