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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Natural vs. Organic

Natural versus Organic Dairy

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  1. This really puts it into perspective. I don’t drink milk but some in my household do and I have often wondered what the difference is. Not knowing I chose the cheaper price but after reading this never again will i make that mistake. I also hate what the non organic farmers do to the poor cows and if I continue to purchase their products I am basically supporting their actions. You sold me, I’m going Organic.
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  1. Kim on July 11, 2012 at 11:38 am
  2. I have to say that there is an additive permitted in organic milk that is far from “natural.” Our local grocery store only had “organic” milk that had this DHA supplement added. That is allegedly why there was some odd seaweed-derived additive. (Not as a coagulant?) I tried to make cheese, and found that it would barely curdle. Eventually there was a soft curd that was frothy and fishy-tasting, and the whey smelled foul. I wonder how come this so-called natural additive can be allowed in “organic” milk.
    Comment by Laura @ Stealthy Mom on July 11, 2012 at 1:09 pm

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