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Monday, December 2, 2013

The co$t of infant formula

Budgeting for Baby: The Cost-Saving Benefits of Breastfeeding

September 3, 2013

Budgeting for Baby: The Cost-Saving Benefits of Breastfeeding
Of course, there are many benefits of breastfeeding to consider for both mom and baby, but what about cost? We all know that starting a family means a significant financial commitment – in other words, babies are expensive. No matter what your budget is like, it’s important to plan ahead and prepare for the lifestyle change that a new baby brings.

Whether you’re about to welcome a little one into the world or thinking about your current breastfeeding journey, you might be wondering how much breastfeeding costs. But first, take a look at the cost of not breastfeeding:

Powdered formula, the least expensive type of formula, usually costs between $20 and $30 per large can and formula-fed babies will likely need about 1-1.5 cans of formula per week. Feeding formula means spending $80-$150 or even upwards of $250 per month if your baby requires special formula due to allergies or other special nutritional needs. This means that in one year, your family could spend $960 (low end) to $3,000 (high end) on formula.

Compare that to breastmilk – perfect, complete nutrition without having to mix bottles or carry extra feeding gear – which is totally free. The Surgeon General of the United States notes that following optimal breastfeeding practices can save $1,200–$1,500 in the first year of your baby’s life when compared to buying formula. With that in mind, even spending a couple hundred dollars on a breastpump and supplies winds up costing considerably less than purchasing formula for your baby. We all know about the health benefits of breastfeeding, but don’t forget that healthier infants can also require fewer doctor visits, which lowers healthcare costs (and less time out of work for mom + dad). You can find more of the Surgeon General’s cost-saving benefits of breastfeeding here.

We can also take a look at the big picture. A study published in the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics found that the United States could save $13 billion per year (in direct and indirect health costs) and prevent almost 1,000 infant deaths if 90% of families chose to breastfeed their babies exclusively for 6 months.

Breastfeeding saves money (and lives) while creating a lifelong bond between you and your little one.

What made the biggest impact on your decision to breastfeed?

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